Monday, December 12, 2016

Hagan-Moreaux - March 2017

Next update

The Hagan-Moreaux Family
Celeste is 25 and Crystal is 23
(Louisa Bradley is 31 and Meghan Bradly is 29)
Narrated by Celeste

Monday, December 5, 2016

Larson-Miller-Moreau-Reynolds - February 2017

Next update

The Larson-Miller-Moreau-Reynolds Family
Andrew Miller is 27, Neil Reynolds is 26, Gavin Larson is 24 and Noelle Moreau is 22
(Celeste Moreau is 25, Crystal Hagan is 23)
Narrated by Neil

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Larson - November 2016

Next update

The Larson Family
Derek is 27and Dana is 25
(Sarah Wilson is 32, Liam Reynold is 29, Andrew Miller is 26, Neil Reynolds is 25, Gavin Larson is 23 and Noelle Moreau is 21)
Narated by Derek

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Reynolds-Roberts - October 2016

Next update

The Reynolds-Roberts Family
Liam and Mitchell are 29
Narrated by Liam

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Wilson - September 2016

Last update/Next update

The Wilson Family
Sarah Wilson is 32
(John Green is 38, Derek Larson is 27 and Dana Larson is 25)
Narrated by Sarah

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Burke - August 2016

Next update

The Burke Family
Nathalie is 34 and Eliot is 24
(Mitchell Roberts and Liam Reynolds are 29, Jeremy Hagan is 28 and Allison Miller is 26)
Narrated by Nathalie

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Wilson - April 2016

Last update/Next update

The Wilson Family
Sarah Wilson is 32
(John Green is 38, Nathalie Burke is 34 and Eliot Burke is 24)
 Narrated by Sarah

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Wilson - January 2016

Next update

The Wilson Family
Sarah Wilson is 32
Narrated by Sarah

Monday, September 12, 2016

Miss Sarah Wilson

The new Linfort is going really well! I've created almost all the families (only 2 more to go), I've placed lots, my sims have places they can go, ... So it all seems to be going really well. I don't have background stories for all of them yet, but thats going to be fine (I hope).

So this means I'm ready to introduce my first family to you guys!
I've decided to do the introductions different this time. I'll be introducing families as I play. This way I start with round 1 immidiatly, hoping I'll get further than last time! I'll be only introducing this family in a seperate post, new families will be introduced by other residents.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I got my computer back!

About 2 weeks ago I got my computer back! Which was just in time for my holiday (that started on the 5th).

As expected and feared at the same time, Linfort is lost :( But I won't give up!
I'm already building on a new Linfort, and filling it with new sims! I had hoped to advance a little bit faster, but sadly my holiday started with my being sick, and sleeping for 3 days!

I hope to introduce the first family soon, but since I'm not 100% yet, I don't know when that will be.
In the mean time, I'll be taking down all the previous posts about Linfort.

- Tanja

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Why I haven't been around

I would like to say that I haven't abandoned Linfort, but I simply can't at the moment...

I was ready to start writing my first update, I had plans to post some lottours and I was really looking forward to playing with the residents of Linfort, but my computer didn't seem to be.
About 4 weeks ago (I think), my computer couldn't locate my C-drive anymore. This is a new computer I got in November and since my borther-in-law (who normally deals with all of my computer-issues) didn't have the time to look at my computer, I decided to return it.
I send it back about 2 weeks ago, and I'm waiting at the moment to get it back, but I have no idea when this will be.

So, where does this leave Linfort? I have absolutely no idea.
I didn't make a back-up, which is so stupid I know! And I don't know what will be recovered. So I really don't know.
If Linfort isn't lost, I will finally start those posts I have been planning.
If Linfort is lost, I will start a new Linfort, but this probably won't be with the same sims/families.

In the mean time, there won't be any real updates.

I'll keep you guys updated.
