Saturday, August 13, 2016

Why I haven't been around

I would like to say that I haven't abandoned Linfort, but I simply can't at the moment...

I was ready to start writing my first update, I had plans to post some lottours and I was really looking forward to playing with the residents of Linfort, but my computer didn't seem to be.
About 4 weeks ago (I think), my computer couldn't locate my C-drive anymore. This is a new computer I got in November and since my borther-in-law (who normally deals with all of my computer-issues) didn't have the time to look at my computer, I decided to return it.
I send it back about 2 weeks ago, and I'm waiting at the moment to get it back, but I have no idea when this will be.

So, where does this leave Linfort? I have absolutely no idea.
I didn't make a back-up, which is so stupid I know! And I don't know what will be recovered. So I really don't know.
If Linfort isn't lost, I will finally start those posts I have been planning.
If Linfort is lost, I will start a new Linfort, but this probably won't be with the same sims/families.

In the mean time, there won't be any real updates.

I'll keep you guys updated.



  1. I hope you get your computer back soon, Tanja and that your hood is intact.

    If you haven't already, I'd email or call to see if they can give you a timeframe on when it might be ready and maybe a little update on how the repairs are going. Two weeks seems like a long time!

  2. It's a mixed blessing, isn't it, losing (or maybe not) one's 'hood! If I lost New Max today, I'd really be sad about it, but on the other hand, it would give me a chance to start on another long-term Sims2-project I've been thinking about for years... A sort of "start from scratch"-challenge.
