Monday, November 6, 2017

Some more changes... again

I don't know what's been going on lately. I play my game, and I love it. I'm looking forward to sharing my sims' stories. I have things ready to post, but I don't seem to be able to find the time or inspiration to actually sit down and write the actual updates!
I was hoping the new update-idea would make it possible for me to actually put out more updates, but that hasn't worked out the way I wanted/planned.

Here I'm posting things from round 1, when I've actually just finished playing round 5 in my game.
I love being ahead with my stories, so I'll have something to post, but I hate that I'm so much ahead at at the moment!
So since the new update-shedule isn't working for me at the moment, I'll be going back to the old one.

I'll start by giving you all an update on what's been going on in my sims' lives that last 10 simyears (5 rounds) so you'll know where we start in round 6. These updates will be spread over 3 posts, and there will be 4th introducing the playale NPC's that have joined Linfor over the past year.
I'm also planning on doing a post on all the wedding that have happened in the last rounds, and I have idea's for different lot-tours.

As usual there's no lack of ideas or update-inspiration, now I just need the time/inspiration to actually write these updates!

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, and for update-change once again! I hope I can keep up with thise one... Fingers crossed :)


  1. Do whatever works for you, Tanja. :) Looking forward to seeing what your sims have been up to!

  2. I can understand what you mean about not having the inspiration to write updates, that happened to me for about a year, although I now seem to have it back :) Looking forward to seeing what has been happening with your sims, and I hope your new plan works out.
