Saturday, May 20, 2017

Summer 2018

June 2018
Liam Reynolds is 31 and Alexa Reynolds is 30

Even though things went pretty fast between Alexa and Liam, they are very much looking forward to their future together and with their new baby.

For now they are enjoying each other's company, because  they both know that when the little one arrives, he of she will get all of their attention.

June 2018
John Wilson is 40 and Sarah Wilson is 34

John and Sarah are more then ready to welcome their baby, especially now that they finished the nursery.

They keep going in to check they haven't forgotten anything, but everything seems in order for their baby.

August 2018: The Moreau Family
Last update/Noelle's last update/Next update
Celeste Moreau is 26 and Noelle Moreau is 23

Andrew Miller and Crystal Hagan never found enough courage to tell their partners it was over. Instead they just ran away to Arvana last month and are now living together.
Because she was now living on her own in a house she couldn't afford on her own, Celeste asked her sister to move in with her. Noelle galdly accepted the offer as she wouldn't want to live in the same house she lived in with Andrew.
Noelle has thrown herself onto her career even more enthousiastic than ever. She's now a backing vocal and is frequently asked by big names to sing with them.
And while Noelle is out doing her thing and going on tour with some of those bands, Celeste is left to look after Noelle's cat.
She's happy she has Thomas in her life. Things between have gotten more serious over the last year.
And even though he sometimes spends the night, the 2 of them haven't talked about living together. They both are more than happy with how things are at the moment.
Crystal and Andrew hurt a lot of people and broke some friendships the way they handled things. But despite that all, Celeste still sees Crystal as a friend, and they meet up occasionally.
Noelle seems to have dealt with the situation on her own way; bringing home different guys, but making it very clear things aren't serious between them.

  • I'm not really having a preference for Alexa and Liam's baby, I can easily see Liam as the father of all girls, but if they have a boy, I'm happy with that as well.
  • I might have decorated Sarah and John's nursery in blue because I really want their first one to be a boy, but I still thinks it can go for a girl as well.
  • So since Andrew and Crystal ran away to Arvana together there are some household changes. Noelle moved in with Celeste. And Neil and Gavin are still roommates.
  • Andrew and Crystal have higher chemistry than Crystal and Neil, and they kept rolling want for each other. I'm sure they could have handled things much beter than they did though.
  • Celeste and Thomas are getting quite serious. I'm looking forward to see their relationship evolve.
  • Noelle on the other hand, isn't interested in one specific guy at the moment. She's having a lot of fun getting to know differetn guys. Seeing her secondary aspiration is family, I do see her settling down one day.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag with Andrew and Crystal now! It's good to see that Noelle is moving on - it must have been quite a shock for her. Glad she had her sister to move in with.

    Two babies due is not a bad little baby boom for what it still a fairly small hood! Should be exciting!
